Many people reserve their fear for the dentist but there are also those wary of the eye doctor. This is understandable – some are squeamish about others getting close to their eyes in the same way they dislike dentists doing oral inspections.
But seeing an eye doctor for an eye screening in Singapore is far less intimidating than you may think. Today, we go over what to expect from the experience as well as what you can get out of it, from critical preventative care to assurance about your eye health.

Preparing for your visit
Every eye screening appointment in Singapore should begin with preparation. Among other things, you may want to prepare the following:
- Your medical history
- A list of your current medications
- Your glasses or contact lenses, if any
- Notes about symptoms or concerns if those have caused you to seek an eye screening
- A list of questions for your eye doctor
The eye examination process
Most eye examinations go through the same basic process. Your ophthalmologist will usually perform an external check of your eyes and eyelids as well as the surrounding area.
This includes visual inspections of parts like the conjunctiva (the thin membrane covering the inside of the eyelids and the whites of your eyes) and iris (the coloured disc of the eye, which may be brown, blue, etc.).
In case your next question is “Are eye examinations painful”, rest assured that the process is pain-free.

Comprehensive eye exam details
If you have requested a comprehensive eye exam from your eye doctor, you probably want to know what that entails. Here are the processes involved in a complete eye exam:
- Vision assessment
- Detailed check of prescription or “spectacle degrees”
- Peripheral or side vision assessment
- Eye muscle function testing
- Colour vision assessment
- Slit lamp microscope examination of the front (anterior segment) of the eye
- Dilated eye examination of the retina and optic nerve
- Eye pressure testing
Common procedures and tests that may be added
Depending on your medical history, symptoms, or the results of your initial tests, your eye doctor may ask for other assessments to be performed. This can help identify potential issues so that you may address them as soon as possible.
Here are examples of common secondary assessments performed during eye exams:
Book an eye screening today
Whatever reservations you may have about eye exams in Singapore, they are far easier and more comfortable than the potential ailments they can help you diagnose or avoid. Eye doctors are trained to do their jobs without causing pain and will do all they can to minimise discomfort.
In addition, regular eye check-ups are necessary for maintaining your eye health. Only through early diagnosis and treatment can you avoid most of the serious eye issues that can arise over time.
To schedule your own check-up, call us to enquire or book an appointment for an eye screening today.