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Fact Check: Debunking Common Myths About LASIK

Last updated on
June 13, 2024

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LASIK Procedures and Options
Eye Health & General Information
Pre-and Post-op Info

Fact Check: Debunking Common Myths About LASIK

Last update on
June 13, 2024

LASIK or laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis is a laser procedure used to correct vision problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. It’s among the most popular surgical procedures worldwide.

LASIK is considered a largely safe and effective procedure – one with extremely high success rates. In spite of that, however, certain myths have arisen about it.

Let’s examine and debunk some of the common myths associated with LASIK today.

Common Myths About LASIK Eye Surgery

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Myth: LASIK is extremely painful.
Fact: LASIK is typically a pain-free procedure.

The interesting thing about this particular LASIK myth is that it’s at odds with what the vast majority of patients themselves have experienced. Most people who get LASIK barely experience discomfort.

One reason for this is that anaesthesia (in the form of eye drops) is used before the procedure. This numbing eye drop completely takes away any pain sensation in your eyes.

It is still possible for the patient to feel some discomfort, of course. For instance, some patients report mild pressure during the procedure.

That being said, such sensations generally disappear shortly after the surgery. Moreover, the discomfort is usually mild.

Myth: LASIK is not safe.
Fact: LASIK is among the safest surgical procedures when performed by an experienced surgeon.

Any surgery will have some risks, to be sure. However, it’s worth noting that complication rates for LASIK are very low.

In fact, complication rates have only gone down over the years for the procedure. This is because the technology and procedure itself have been refined continuously over time.

Moreover, as with any other surgical procedure, the complication rates go down significantly given certain factors. For example, getting the procedure done by a qualified and experienced surgeon reduces the odds of complications happening.

The same goes for observing the doctor’s post-procedure care and recovery instructions.

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Myth: LASIK results are not long-lasting.
Fact: Most LASIK results actually last long enough to be considered permanent.

For most people, the corneal reshaping performed in LASIK leads to vision improvements that last for the rest of their lives. That being said, it is important to note that there are factors that can affect the long-term efficacy of the procedure.

People’s eyes tend to develop various changes as they age. For instance, cataracts and glaucoma may develop after a person reaches middle age.

It’s important to note that such conditions are not related to the LASIK itself, meaning that the surgery does not make you more likely to develop one of these conditions.

Myth: LASIK can only be done once.
Fact: LASIK can be done multiple times for most people, if required.

Most people get the improvement to their vision that they desire following one LASIK procedure. However, some do not, and may require a touch up laser procedure, known as LASIK enhancement.

This is not a common situation. You can visit your eye doctor for an assessment to see if your eye is suitable for LASIK enhancement.

It is vital to ensure that enough corneal tissue is left behind for proper vision and eye function. Hence, doctors will carefully assess patients before deciding that an enhancement is needed.

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Myth: I’m too old for LASIK
Fact: People of all ages can be ideal candidates for LASIK, provided they meet the criteria and are over 18.

There’s no rule on the upper age limit for LASIK. People well into their 60’s have gotten the procedure.

Nonetheless, we should note that age may affect how suited you are for LASIK in some ways. As we mentioned before, people tend to develop particular eye conditions as they age.

These conditions can make LASIK more or less difficult, or perhaps even inadvisable until the other condition is addressed. As such, you still need to talk to an experienced doctor for an assessment before getting LASIK.

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Consult an ophthalmologist to learn whether LASIK is for you

As you can see, many of the LASIK myths that may be preventing you from considering the procedure are simply that: myths and little more.

That being said, it’s still important to consult with a qualified ophthalmologist to figure out if LASIK is indeed the best option for you. A skilled and experienced doctor can help you determine if the procedure is right for you and answer any questions you have about it.

If that is what you want, reach out to us at Shinagawa Eye Centre. You can call us to enquire or book an appointment for a LASIK assessment today.

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