Cataract surgery is one of the most common eye surgeries worldwide. In Singapore alone, an estimated 25,000 cataract surgeries happen yearly.
If you or someone you know is about to undergo cataract surgery, you should rest assured that it is often successful. In fact, the success rate is estimated to be as high as 99%.
Of course, this presumes that the patient is following proper recovery instructions. If you want to learn more about those, read on. We have detailed cataract operation aftercare from our eye doctors below.

What to expect after surgery
The first thing to know about post-op care for cataract surgery is that your eyesight will not be perfect immediately after the procedure. This means you may experience minor but temporary issues while your eye heals.
Here are some immediate post-surgery symptoms. These are common but note that the range of symptoms you experience is not limited to this list:
- Blurry vision - Many patients experience slightly hazy vision for the first few days after cataract operations.
- Mild discomfort - Some patients report itching or even a sense of grittiness in the eye for the first few days.
- Light sensitivity - Your eyes may be more sensitive to light for a while.
- Halos - You may experience halos or glare appearing around bright lights, especially in low-light situations.
Post-surgery care tips for cataract surgery
So, how can you support your recovery after cataract surgery? Here are some tips we recommend for patients.

1. Use the prescribed eye drops
Use antibiotic and anti-inflammatory eye drops as directed by your doctor. You will be asked to maintain good hygiene as well after the procedure.
For example, ensure that you wash your hands thoroughly before applying drops or touching the area around your eye. This helps with avoiding contamination or infection, which can lead to post-op complications.

2. Avoid rubbing your eyes
Resist the urge to touch or rub your eyes after surgery. This can increase the risk of infection, which is one of the key complications to avoid after operations.
Another danger of rubbing your eyes after the surgery is that you can displace the intraocular lens. This is implanted in your eye during the cataract surgery. If you do displace it, you may end up having to get another procedure to correct its position.

3. Wear protective eyewear
Your doctor will likely provide you with a protective eye shield to wear after surgery. Usually, this shield is worn while sleeping. However, your doctor may also advise you to wear it during your waking hours.
The shield is meant to protect your eye from accidental bumps or rubbing, so be religious about using it during recovery. It is also recommended that you wear sunglasses when going outside as they can help protect your still-healing eye from sun damage.

4. Limit strenuous activity
Avoid intense physical activities, heavy lifting, and bending over for at least a week after surgery. These activities can increase pressure in your eye and potentially cause complications.

When to seek help: potential complications of cataract surgery
Good cataract operation aftercare also means looking out for actual issues. While cataract surgery is generally safe, complications can still happen.
Take note too that certain things can bring up your risk of complications. For instance, the chance of getting a complication from cataract surgery goes up if you have another eye disease. This is also true of having certain medical conditions.
Here are some symptoms post-operation that are actual causes for concern. If you experience any of these after your cataract surgery, you should see your doctor.
- Bleeding
- Cloudiness in the cornea
- Displacement of the lens implant
- Droopy eyelids
- High intraocular pressure (high pressure in the eye for a few days)
- Infection or endophthalmitis
- Inflammation
- Leaking wound that may even require stitching
- Retinal detachment
- Sensitivity to eye drops
- Swelling of the retina
Your surgeon will typically schedule follow-up visits to monitor your recovery, so he may discover issues like these during such check-ups.
However, do not hesitate to reach out to your doctor outside of those visits if you notice any of these or think something is wrong.
Let us help you with your cataracts
Ultimately, every patient’s recovery experience is unique after a surgical procedure. The exact symptoms you experience during your healing post-cataract operation may differ from those of another patient.
Do not hesitate to reach out to your eye specialist if you have questions or concerns about your post-op care. Or arrange to speak with our team of eye doctors if you want to learn more about the procedure and its recovery plan.
Here at Shinagawa Eye Centre, we regularly treat patients for cataracts. Call us to enquire or book an appointment for that or an eye screening today.