Do you know what makes glaucoma one of the most worrisome eye ailments? It’s that it truly deserves its moniker as “the silent thief of sight”.
This isn’t an eye problem that announces itself with a lot of sound and fury. Instead, it quietly damages your vision – and it does so slowly and irreversibly.
But what if you could catch it before it has the chance to steal your sight? What if there were a way to detect even its near-silent footfalls?
What is glaucoma?
Glaucoma is a common eye condition that causes loss of vision. It involves the increase of pressure in the eyeball to the point where it starts pressing on the optic nerve.
This pressure can lead to damage in the nerve over time. In many cases, the nerve’s tissue ends up eroding. This is what leads to vision loss or even blindness for people with the problem.
Because the risk of developing glaucoma goes up as people age, it’s more likely to present in older people.

Why early detection matters
Glaucoma is a progressive disease, which means that the longer you have it, the worse its effects are on your body.
In the early stages, its effects are so light that symptoms aren’t noticeable at all. This contributes to its danger – it goes undetected and thus has time to do its insidious work.
This means that by the time most glaucoma is detected, it’s already caused significant vision loss. As such, it’s vital to detect this disease as soon as possible. This way, it can be managed to prevent further damage.
Early signs and symptoms of glaucoma
Being aware of the early signs and symptoms of glaucoma can help you look out for the disease. Here are the most common signs to look out for:
See an eye health professional for glaucoma screening today
Glaucoma is a serious eye condition that can lead to blindness if it isn’t caught early. Recognising the early signs of glaucoma is a key step to protecting yourself from irreparable damage.
Regular eye check-ups can do a lot to help you here. Even if you don’t notice early symptoms, a professional can run tests to ascertain if there’s anything to be worried about.
Come to us if you want to get an assessment done. We can help you detect glaucoma and other eye diseases as early as possible and do all that’s possible to protect your sight.
Call us to enquire or book an appointment for an eye screening today.